tiny green spades and sporadic spears
its better out here
the milk white walls
cloud what is outside
their lactose drips down my throat
and chokes any chance of explaining
I pluck a spade, its root is milk white
warm when the wind stops, better in movement
instinctively I turn leaves to floral curtains
easier to simply be
still, but I sew the earth's hair
my hands feel the evidence
the veins, the DNA, the sinews
life right in front of me, all around
My ear is on the fleshy dirt, I hear beating
Once intimidating, now telling me secrets
I let two sprigs twist seductively in my hand
busy and alive
grass taught me to listen, God's voice and distant birds,
No need to rush, but merely listen
I sink into the fabric roots
and find I too, am growing
its better out here
cloud what is outside
and chokes any chance of explaining
warm when the wind stops, better in movement
easier to simply be
my hands feel the evidence
life right in front of me, all around
Once intimidating, now telling me secrets
busy and alive
No need to rush, but merely listen
and find I too, am growing
tiny green spades and sporadic spears
the milk white walls
their lactose drips down my throat
I pluck a spade, its root is milk white
instinctively I turn leaves to floral curtains
still, but I sew the earth's hair
the veins, the DNA, the sinews
My ear is on the fleshy dirt, I hear beating
I let two sprigs twist seductively in my hand
grass taught me to listen, God's voice and distant birds,
I sink into the fabric roots
------------------shorter exercise...not as fun--------------
Bark, a thousand pieces
an apple, my apple, eroding in a bag
counting by numbers, making a picture
first the skin of your heel, then my shoelace
building it out of green and blue and twigs
a nest, and I had a sip of your sprite
spilled out, ready to be standing
but my sweater is already sprawled out in the grass
like a child
Bark, a thousand pieces
counting by numbers, making a picture
building it out of green and blue and twigs
spilled out, ready to be standing
an apple, my apple, eroding in a bag
first the skin of your heel, then my shoelace
a nest, and I had a sip of your sprite
but my sweater is already sprawled out in the grass
like a child
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